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Harvest ’23: Insights

Steven Buttlar
Sandra Fehr | Heroes of Riesling
These days, Wine-Germany is looking humbly towards Worms. Around the Rhine-Hessian town, a dramatic hailstorm poured down on the vineyards on September 12. Two to three centimeter ice balls destroyed the ripe grapes on the vines. In some cases, local winegrowers complained of 100 percent crop failures. The work of the past 12 months undone - in just a few minutes.



Weather extremes as “the new normal”? Seems like it! The Rote Hang, located about 30 kilometers north of Worms, was spared from this storm – nevertheless, the grape harvest is challenging here as well. Dirk Würtz and the St. Antony team started harvesting on September 4. Much earlier than expected – due to heavy rainfall and high temperatures in past weeks. In such years, it is important to retain the greatest possible flexibility in harvesting. Harvest plans are all well and good, but ultimately it is the grapes themselves that set the pace. If you’re not careful, vineyards can go bad within 24 hours. Therefore: Keep eyes open while in the vineyard. Touch the grapes, taste, decide according to the situation.



The St. Antony team has now completely harvested the Burgundy grape varieties. Grapes in perfect health, thanks to the most meticulous selection. Wonderfully aromatic and pleasant in acidity. So far, Dirk Würtz is satisfied with the quantity. The first Rieslings were also harvested – including grapes for the great Orbel and Pettenthal site wines.

Interim summary: A challenging wine year with ups and downs. Fingers crossed for the final weeks of harvest.


Editor’s tip: St. Antony wines pair perfectly with the dishes of Michelin-starred chefs that offers for home preparation.

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