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If you want to know what makes the international art scene tick, you have to go to the Grill Royal. The Berlin restaurant is the new headquarters of successful gallery owners, artists and collectors.


The Grill Royal restaurant is adorned with a lot of art, such as a life-size plastic shark head left over from a performance, or an old Vespa dripped all over with candle wax by Miami-based artist Mark Handforth. The restaurant is run by Boris Radczun, who has so far mainly enriched the city’s nightlife, for example with the Pogo Club. Partners and financiers are the frame builder and collector Stephan Landwehr and the gallery owner Thilo Wermke. This trio has managed to establish the Grill Royal as a meeting place for a very specific art scene within a short period of time. Probably nowhere else can you learn so much about the current state of the global art world as here at the Grill Royal.

Editor’s Tip:

Make an urgent reservation in advance!

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