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The Domnick Collection is located in a house in the outskirts of Stuttgart, which Ottomar and Greta Domnick had built in 1967 by an architect from Stuttgart. The building was deliberately designed as a residential house and blends in perfectly with the landscape of Aichtal and the Albtrauf. In addition to a gallery for paintings and sculptures, there is also an event room. However, the house itself is more than just an exhibition space. It is a work of art that can be experienced both inside and out.


The Domnicks wanted to share their home with their paintings and at the same time make them accessible to the public. Together with architect Paul Stohrer, they developed a residential museum. The building, surrounded by a tall beech hedge, blends harmoniously into the gently sloping terrain. From the outside, it looks like a fortress, with only a few windows breaking through the robust concrete walls. This should ensure the security of your collection.

Inside, the villa is open and yet angled, as the large rooms are subdivided by partition walls. They are all kept in shades of grey and white to create a uniform colour concept. Different floors separate the functions from each other: carpets in the private area and light-coloured exposed aggregate concrete in the museum rooms. From 1977, the Domnick couple expanded their “Living in the Museum” project to include a sculpture garden in the west of the house. Vor der malerischen Kulisse der Schwäbischen Alb präsentieren sich hier verschiedene Skulpturen aus Eisen, Stahl und Bronze. ADRESSE Sammlung Domnick Oberensinger Höhe 4 72622 Nürtingen KONTAKT Tel.. +49 7022 5141 Email: Web:ÖFFNUNGSZEITEN 1. Mai bis 31. Oktober: Sa, So, Feiertag von 14:00 – 17:00 Uhr 1. November bis 30. April: So von 14:00 – 17:00 Uhr 24. Dezember: geschlossen 31. Dezember: geschlossen  Tipp der Redaktion Wenn man schon in der Nähe von Stuttgart ist, dann sollte man auch den Weissenhof besuchen.

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