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In London's Savile Row, style history is being written: for generations, men from all over the world have been ordering their suits, tailor-made by hand.


Once upon a time, Norman Dewis OBE put the finishing touches on countless Jaguar models as chief tester. During his 33 years at Jaguar in Coventry, the fearless and extremely talented Dewis rose to become England’s most famous test driver. Only when Norman gave his “okay” was a new Jaguar allowed to go into series production.

His always friendly and modest appearance as well as the nimbus of the indestructible soon gave him legendary status. The man with the jockey stature remained closely associated with the Jaguar brand as a global brand ambassador until the end. Dewi’s story with Jaguar is as remarkable as the setting of this summit meeting in the rooms of the famous men’s tailor Henry Poole & Co on Savile Row.

HenryPoole & Co was founded in 1806 and is the founder of Savile Row, the street that stands for more than 200 years of tailor-made tailoring tradition worldwide. It was the eponymous Mr. Poole who first opened his salon in 1846, where he served red wine and cigars to friends such as the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) and Baron Meyer de Rothschild.

Today, Henry Poole’s clients continue to follow in the footsteps of royalty, prime ministers, presidents and prominent figures in politics, finance and publishing. The cut has to be right – a perfect fit and stylish, the rest is handmade. At Henry Poole & Co, everything that looks good is made by hand: jackets, trousers, shirts and waistcoats, single- and double-breasted, two- and three-piece, tuxedos, tailcoats or tuxedos.

A suit costs three to four thousand pounds, special requests extra. Everything that is in demand is manufactured, as long as it remains fine, discreet and elegant. Customisation in perfection. Just old English school.

More about the story about Norman Dewis, David Grandy and Jaguar can be found in RETROWELT #19:

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