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passion p #online

The online magazine PASSION.P makes cooking a real experience with high-quality kitchen equipment and appliances. Let yourself be inspired by an impressive ambience and enjoyable content.


For more and more people today, good food is an indispensable part of their lives. And not only in the catering industry, but increasingly also at home. Standing in your own kitchen and preparing sophisticated dishes yourself – that is the trend of the future. PASSION.P is about more than just “warming up food”. Gleaming stainless steel, timeless design, Italian ceramics, brushed aluminium, fine woods – these are the ingredients that characterise exclusive kitchen manufacturers. Fine wines, excellent food, marvellous trips: These are the topics that PASSION.P serves its users – modernly designed and competently written. The positive indulgence themes in conjunction with the various kitchen manufacturers result in extremely intensive communication. And so you can benefit from the high level of attention paid to your products and brands!

PASSION.P – The free online magazine for exclusive kitchen manufacturers


Advertising possibilities:

Classic banner advertising (possibly in rotation) on the homepage and on subpages with a link to the website. Prices on request

Advertorial placement
Costs for a customised advertorial at PASSION.P:


EUR 500 per contribution / per month
Bookable for 3 months only: total costs EUR 1,500

The contribution is created by us in consultation with the customer
The contribution is visibly moved to the top every month

Technical data:

Technical data Text: Length +/-800 to 2500 words
Technical data image: number between 5-7 photos, format JPG or PNG
Size: 600-2000 px ,Size: maximum 300 KB per image

Further information:

Further information on advertising placements via Heike B. Lange
Phone: +49 711 84963698

Project management: Joachim Fischer
Phone: +49 711 84963698

Marketing: Fischermann Media GmbH

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