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Karin Bohlin
Almost everyone dreams of a kitchen without waste, to throw away less, to use everything and to shop and cook more sustainably.


Once again, there are a few battered apples and bananas loitering around in the fridge. The baguette and farmer’s womb dry up in the bread basket. Who doesn’t know that. “Get rid of it!” says the thoughtless self. “Make something out of it and do it differently in the future!” says Karin Bohlin and demonstrates how to prepare unbeatable creations even from black bananas, stale bread or battered fruit. Zero waste can be learned and it is not only good for the environment and karma, but also for the wallet. Our grandmothers knew how to shop sparingly and sustainably, how to store everything cleverly and how to use the leftovers economically. At some point, this was forgotten.

Tips for a kitchen without garbage are promised by Karin Bohlin’s cookbook…. ‘Make use of what we have got and cut down on new production of food, clothes & stuff. Even if this is complicated in our distorted system…’ Sanna Lindberg illustrated the ZERO WASTE cookbook and shows recipes, stills and food stylist Karin Bohlin at her favorite crime scene kitchen.

Editor’s Tip:

Zero waste is also possible in a luxury kitchen from Poggenpohl.

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