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The time of pumping jugs with coffee is over – at least in most offices. Instead, it's time for the espresso strategy.


Once you have learned to cleverly incorporate small breaks into your everyday working life, you can continue your work all the more successfully. We at Fischermann.Media appreciate this very much. So when the smell of coffee wafts a little “dolce far niente” through our office, it is an expression of a very conscious break culture. After all, such a break is also the best opportunity to leaf through the magazines we have on display …

Time for an espresso? Would you like to get to know each other? Then simply make an appointment with Heike Lange:

Mountaineering skills are not needed to climb the culinary heights that, according to restaurant critics, are located in Thurnher's Alpenhof....
The concept of quarry has existed since the dawn of civilization, and many different working techniques have been developed over centuries....