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Is it a good photo? Why? Why not? What did the photographer do well or badly? How to do it better? How to perfect the result?


Image processing is one of the most important tasks in the creation of magazines. After all, it is through image processing and changing photos that the very special look of a magazine is made possible. In addition, special accents of the images can be emphasized. Ultimately, this influences the effect of the pictures – as the beautiful picture series after editing by Nico Vetter prove. Each magazine gets its own distinctive impression through its editing and retouching. And as is so often the case: The best impression counts!

Nico Vetter
Image Editing & Retouching

Erecting the tallest possible building has always been a sign of performance and always has something to do with prestige. This applies to the Egyptian...
Art and communication are becoming more and more connected: art appears as communication and communication as art. ...